Monday, November 28, 2011

Light on Water

Another Gouache Painting of an Alaskan duck at the Marine Zoo in Seward, AK.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Plodding Along

 9x12in colored pencil.
Elephants move slowly and surely plodding along one firm step after another. They don't have the agility to run after everything they see the way dogs do when you let them off the leash. So this picture somewhat became my mantra as I was nearing the end of my undergraduate degree. There were a lot of hurdles and the cumulative information from the major began weighing heavily on my brain but as I drew this picture I resolved to continue plodding along, undaunted, little by little. No, I didn't make any huge leaps or breakthroughs but I did manage to plod my way through graduation.

Beta Keratin

Beta Keratin. Still Life of Pumpkins and Squash. 18x24 in Gouache.

Belizean Beach

Belizean Beach 18" by 24" with Gouache paint.

La Residencia de Los Gauchos

 Gauchos18" by 24" in chalk pastel the landscape is from St. George, UT and a combination of a few buildings.