Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oil Study of St. Francis by Giovanni Bellini, 1485. 

The first time I saw this painting was in an art history class. I was impressed with the golden light that the painting had which reminded of the golden hills of California that I hadn't seen for awhile. That was where the initial idea came from and it stuck with me for about a year. Later while I was thinking about something to do a study of, I decided on this picture because it has so many varied subjects, animals, a person, a building and a landscape and its just loaded with color. There's also a feeling of overflowing life, with plants sprouting everywhere and a vibrancy which the monk seems to be feeling, and reflecting. I think of this also as a male counterpart to the statue Ecstasy of St. Theresa by Bernini. For me it conveys a similar thought, although in a different medium.